Articles of Incorporation

Valfar and Sons Underdark Surveyors Inc.

Be it known to all persons, creatures, and entities of sound mind and body, whether of surface or subterranean dwelling, that on this day, the 17th of Mirtul, in the Year of the Vigilant Vole, under the auspices of His Most Exalted Deepness, Horgar Steelshadow V, Duergar King of Gracklstugh, the following articles are hereby set forth and declared:

Article the First: Nomenclature and Domicile

Whereas it hath been deemed meet and proper by the undersigned parties, that a company of mercantile and exploratory nature should be established within the bounds of the great and indomitable city of Gracklstugh, let it be known that such an enterprise shall henceforth be recognized and addressed as Valfar and Sons Underdark Surveyors Inc., hereinafter referred to as "the Company" or "said Company" in all matters pertaining to its dealings, both mundane and extraordinary.

Article the Second: Purpose and Endeavours

The Company, being of sound constitution and possessed of a spirit of adventure tempered by prudence, doth hereby declare its intent to engage in sundry activities within the vast and perilous realms of the Underdark, including but not limited to:

  1. The meticulous and judicious survey of subterranean resources, be they mineral, fungal, or of a nature yet unknown to the eyes of mortal or immortal beings.
  2. The facilitation and execution of mercantile pursuits upon the treacherous waters of the Darklake, including the transport and exchange of goods, wares, and sundry items of value.
  3. The identification, classification, and valuation of rare and wondrous minerals secreted within the bowels of the earth, employing methods both arcane and mundane.
  4. The cartographic representation of routes, passages, and byways that wind their way through the labyrinthine depths of the Underdark, with due consideration given to the ever-changing nature of such thoroughfares.
  5. The provision of diplomatic services and counsel in matters pertaining to negotiations with the enigmatic and oft-capricious Drow, with the utmost care taken to preserve life, limb, and dignity of all parties involved.

Article the Third: Governance and Hierarchy

The Company shall be governed by a council of no less than three and no more than seven individuals, chosen from among the most esteemed and experienced members of the Valfar lineage. The patriarch or matriarch of said lineage shall, by right of blood and tradition, serve as the Chief Surveyor and principal decision-maker in all matters of import.

Subordinate to the council shall be a cadre of master surveyors, each responsible for the oversight and execution of one or more of the Company's primary endeavours as outlined in Article the Second. These master surveyors shall, in turn, command teams of journeymen and apprentices, the exact number and composition of which shall be determined by the exigencies of each undertaking.

Article the Fourth: Distribution of Profits and Losses

All profits accrued through the lawful and diligent pursuit of the Company's stated endeavours shall be distributed in the following manner:

In the event of losses incurred through misfortune, poor judgment, or the capricious nature of the Underdark itself, such losses shall be borne by the Company as a whole, with each member contributing to their amelioration in proportion to their stake in the enterprise.

Article the Fifth: Dissolution and Succession

Should it come to pass that the Company must be dissolved, whether through catastrophe, loss of royal favour, or the unanimous decision of the governing council, all assets and liabilities shall be divided among the surviving members in a manner consistent with their contributions and standing within the Company.

In matters of succession, preference shall be given to direct descendants of the Valfar lineage, provided they have demonstrated the requisite skills, knowledge, and temperament to assume leadership of the Company. Should no suitable heir be found within the Valfar line, the governing council shall have the authority to select a successor from among the most capable and trustworthy of the master surveyors.

Article the Sixth: Seal and Ratification

Let these Articles of Incorporation be sealed with the mark of Valfar and Sons Underdark Surveyors Inc., a device depicting a stalactite crossed with a surveyor's rod, encircled by a chain of precious gems.

In witness whereof, we, the undersigned, do hereby affix our marks and seals, binding ourselves and our heirs to the faithful execution of these articles, on this 17th day of Mirtul, in the Year of the Vigilant Vole.

[Seal of Valfar and Sons Underdark Surveyors Inc.]


Valfar son of Regni, Chief Surveyor and Fleet Admiral

Hjølgus Dûnhark, Principal Librarian and Master of Darklake Operations

Cal, Head Cartographer and Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

Witnessed and Ratified by His Most Exalted Deepness,

Horgar Steelshadow V
Duergar King of Gracklstugh